That's right! Emily's "terrible twos" are right around the corner and I swear on everything that with every day closer to her birthday the more terrible-two-ish she gets. Not only is she in the developmental stage where testing mommy is becoming a minute by minute habit, but she is also going through a growth spirt. She has eaten my entire pantry and if she thought hard enough about it, I'm sure she would start gnawing on the baseboards. Along with the growth spirt comes moodiness and clinginess. She will cry over something like dropping her bouncy ball her babies shirt being on "wrong". The literal clinginess is probably the hardest for me to handle. She's almost two and wants to be held in the shower, while I'm eating, on the toilet... . So needless to say, my "me" time has significantly decreased. Perfect example...

Even as I was typing this she has to be right here on my lap. In the midst of hitting keys and clicking she managed to get across the point that she wanted me to take a picture by pointing to the camera at the top of my computer. I took one picture and she was excited...then started crying because she wanted my sunglasses. SO I put those on and took another one...she was happy then and crawled off my lap. My guess is that as I'm typing the rest of this...she's TESTING to see if my sunglasses fit down the toilet. *FLUSH* I should probably go, but I know it's too late....
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