Today was possibly the longest day of my life. I got up at 7:00...AM. and for me that is EARLY. I got ready, fed Emily, got her ready and then headed to San Luis. I figured if I could get an early start I would be home before the heat of the day and be able to get something done around the house. I was wrong! I had originally gone to get my old camera fixed up. After one guy said that it was useless, and that I could buy the same one used for less than what it would cost to fix, I walked around the shop and swooned over all of the pretty camera lenses in there. My friend Jess (I dont know what I'm going to do without her!) watched Emily so that I was able to take in the beauty of everything in the shop. I left...disappointed because my camera was shot and because I'm not a millionaire. I went back and picked up Emily and had planned on going home. Instead I decided to go to another hole in the wall camera place that I had hoped would give me a different result. The guy there took one look at my camera and said he wouldn't charge to fiddle with it. His mistake, because his fiddling actually further broke my camera. Okay so the good news in all of this? Because he worsened the problem and literally broke it he's keeping it and fully fixing it for free! "FREE"- since my dreams of being a millionaire are nowhere in my near futures sight, "free" is a VERY good word.
I ended up getting home about 2 hours later than I had hoped but when I went to pick up Aaron's littlest brother, Andrew, from his Aunt's house, I was pleasantly surprised to see Aaron's cousin Brooklyn there! Brooklyn is almost exactly one year younger than Emily and is Aaron's first she's Emily's second cousin, once removed...? or something like that. Yeah, me an Aaron switched up the family tree a little. Grace became a great grandma one year and then had another grandchild the next year. Actually we messed it up on both sides. Margie became a great granny and had another granny-child a year later (and hopefully more in the near future).
I have a bad habit of calling every other baby I see the second cutest baby, next to Emily, but really, Brooklyn is in a dead tie with a good ten other babies, for the Cutest baby EVER! I couldn't help but take a few (just a few) pictures:

I love that she's "lovingly" squeezing Brooklyn's head.
it was a fight to just get those in. She won't be very
her hand around in the air not wanting to put it in the icky grass.
I love her hair too in this picture!
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