Today was a great day!
I often drag my feet through the day and at the end I'm left with the feeling of "Holy Crap...where did the day go?!"
Today was not that day. Instead of rushing to get all of my chores done I just did them through the day. If I got tired of doing one thing then I would do something else. Easy as that. Somehow (even when I try to calculate the time difference in my head) with doing more around the house, I was able to do other things too.
I did a little sewing.
I tried real hard to teach Emily that there are numbers after 13. She didn't get it. HOWEVER...she did understand that after twenty or "two-zero" there is a "two-one" and then a "two-two" and so on. I felt like that was a step in the right direction. I'm also trying to get her to have the visual recognition of all her single digit numbers. She only has trouble on 6 and 9. Dyslexic? Probably not. She doesn't get them confused. She just doesn't know what they are.
I took a few pictures.
Watched some T.V.
and even squeezed in some Facebooking.
I was able to do everything that normally takes up my time in moderation and it feels good!
AND I still have 30 minutes before Aaron gets home. Gosh, what am I going to do with myself?! I guess I will blog some more.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday. I think I said it in my last Dr. Appt. Update but my doctor had expressed a very minor concern about the size of baby Claire. Apparently she had noted it in my chart so when I had the very awesome Dr. Thomas this time he brought up the subject.
He said he usually ignores Dr. S's "big baby" notes but that if baby Claires weight was proportional to her length and head size then she is around 7.5-8 lb's NOW.
No biggy...
Haha! I crack myself up. Actually it would be a BIGGY and since I'm not very big that might cause unnecessary complications. So Dr. Thomas scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if they can get a better estimate of how much she weighs. Then we will go from there. I'm not worried. I heard all of this with Emily and she was a bean pole. I'm also not worried because, well, women deliver 9lb-ers every day now without a second thought. In fact, I'm EXCITED because I get to see my baby Claire again. and maybe just a little because I want to make sure that she hasn't grown any extra...appendages that would make me want to name her a more masculine name.
I guess that's it for now. Hopefully I will have pictures of Claire for you in the morning.

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