Well...I know I said I would have Christmas pictures up soon, but lets be honest....I haven't had the time to do them. It's horrible, I know. Emily is a trooper like I knew she would be and hasn't slowed down much since she's been sick but she is definatly her mothers daughter when it comes to not feeling good. She is CRAB-BEE! With Emily's crankiness and me joining the gym for some "sanity time" I haven't had much computer time.
So, lets get to why my mother in law is going to kill me...because I'm about to post pictures of her on my blog for everyone to see. I weighed my options here, and figured I would chance death in order to put up so cute pictures of Emily and her Grammy playing on new year weekend:

Emily peaking out.

Now, this may look like a cute picture, but Kim is actually gasping for air. Apparently Emily has her daddy's smell. I wear I saw a green cloud poof out as Kim stuck her head out! I guess this is one of the benefits of having "an oh so beautiful and young (I repeat young) grammy"
Last night I went to go spend some time with Aaron's Aunt Katie. She found out yesterday that she beginning the process of a miscarriage. Since I know all to well how she was feeling and what she was going through, I took her some flowers, a card, a big hug and a few tears. When I was leaving I noticed that the girl across the street was taking pictures of the sky. I turned and saw, quite possibly the most beautiful sunset I've seen in a while.

I pulled over to the side of the road and snapped a few pictures. With cars honking at me like I was crazy I just sat there and thought "WOW". I wish Katie would have seen it because for me it felt like a rainbow. Like God's promise that everything will be okay and that even though it might not make sense to us now, everything is part of his plan. In the last year we have now had 3 pregnancy's go tragic. The first being Ashley, quite possibly the sweetest girl I know, lost her baby just 2 weeks before her due date last Dec. Then I had a miscarriage in March at 6 weeks and now Katie at 7 weeks. It's like he was reminding all of us of his almighty existence.
So, as I said earlier, I've been going to the gym. After I went on a walk with my besty Jessie a few days ago, I decided it was past time to get a gym membership. So I went last night with Jessie who attempted to kick my but into shape and then AGAIN this morning. I went at 7...yes, me, up, at 7AM...it's amazing I know, but I was happily rewarded for my early rise, because I got to watch the sun come up. Now granted, I haven't seen very many sunrises but this one was stunning. I think I might just keep getting up early if this is going to be my reward:
One last picture to leave you with. With a little help from her dolly, some string cheese, orange juice, my pillowtop mattress cover thoughtfully stuffed into a laundry basket to make a comfy seat, and some pretend guitar hero, Emily is feeling MUCH better today:

But SO worth it! Super cute!
Hey Kayla,
It's Emily Nolan Kaylees friend remember lol? I love reading ur blog! Emily is so cute and getting so big! I have a question I was trying to download a template by were u got ur on to my blog and its not wrking do u know how to do it? U can contact me on facebook or email me at emmers404@gmail.com! Hope all is well
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