Hello everyone! I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog! I've just had a busy busy couple of days! So I'm not 100% sure where I left off but here it goes:

I spent all day friday packing for out little trip this weekend. We had originally planned to spend the weekend in Morro Bay with Aarons mom's side of the family. After doing some number crunching we decided we would do what we've done a couple of times. Twice we have rented a beach house that has enough rooms for everyone so that we can all be in one place but away from everyone else. Every time we have done this it has ended up being one of the most memorable. This time was no different. A 4 bedroom 3 bathroom, 3000 square foot house on 4 acres with an ocean view is nothing short of AMAZING!

Emily and the balloon she just HAD to have. She was rubbing it on her head and making it static-y on our way to the beach house.

Aaron's 1st cousin Eian. I love this little boy

Lighthouse right down the road

This is the new addition to the Langston family. CrakerJack Jackson is his registered name. Possibly one of the cutest bulldogs I've ever seen! I had fun taking these pictures. Krista bought the CrakerJacks for me as props and the rest is in this picture! My dad, I love him, thought it was amazing and sent it off to Frito Lay, maybe I will get a life time supply of CrakerJacks! :)
This Saturday I had a wedding with my friend and co-worker from Dr. Miller's office. She is an amazing photographer! ablakephotography.com. You should look her up. Ashley is so calm and cool and collected that she made me more confident in my picture taking. I'm beginning to really think that maybe the wedding industry IS somewhere that I would like to see myself. I'm still praying about it right now but maybe I will know the direction I'm being pointed soon. As of now, I'm defiantly seeing myself going in that direction, but we will see. Hopefully I will have some of the pictures that I took there up soon.
I guess while I was at the wedding there was much MORE going on back at the beach house. I, of course, didn't know until later. EVERYONE was having horrible allergies while we were there. Even people who didn't have allergies before were dying. Aaron decided he was going to race his brother Matt on a couple of bikes that were there. Aaron slid out and ended up with a road rash from his elbow to his wrist. He went inside to clean it up and within 15 minutes he ran into his Granny's room and said "I either need the ER or an epipen" His face had swelled up like a balloon and he could breath...Aaron's grandpa booked it into town (about a 20 minute drive made into a 5 minute round trip) and bought some liquid Benadryl. This picture doesn't do it justice. He looked like a mixture of Sloth from the Goonies and someone who had just got a bad botox job done and then got hit in the face by a train.

Aaron's brother Matt
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