For those of you who aren't computer savvy and have no idea what the last paragraph said...I figured out the problem and it will be fixed in a few days...leaving you with a ton of pictures from the last week...hang in there.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE photoshop but the goal of taking pictures is to be able to take the right picture the first time and not have to change anything except maybe a few lighting effects to add to or enhance the emotion of the photo. The new program I am getting does ONLY this. It only effects the lighting and colors of a photo where Photoshop itself works more around modifications like deleting a person or tree out of the background...which, like I said, shouldn't be too much of an issue if you took the right picture the first time. Lightroom (this new program, which is a branch of photoshop) has spoiled me rotten...where it used to take me 5 minutes to edit one picture it now takes me 20 seconds to do the exact same thing. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I haven't edited any pictures because it jut takes too darn long in photoshop...I did do these yesterday so that everyone has SOME visual stimulation!

Can every one see the one lock of hair off to the left?! Her hair is getting ridiculously long! I'm starting to have to do something with it!...what to do? I have no idea. (this picture was taken with a much better camera than mine...I LOVE the lighting, effects, EVERYTHING...this camera is my goal)

Reggie, my noble beast!!...and he looks like one too! He's shedding all of his beautiful fluffy winter hair, leaving him look mangey and scraggly, but still HANDSOME! AND he had just played in is pool for 30 minutes.
Hopefully in the near future I will also have some pictures of some cute little red fox puppies and their parents...who, conveniently, live under the main driveway to our house...THAT explains alot! This also mean I have to get up at the break of dawn to get these pictures...we will see about that one! HA
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