...to my "grandma up the ditch bank". I used to call her this because she lived catty-corned to us across the field and you would have to go UP THE DITCH BANK to get to her house. She would have been 76 today and not a day goes by that I don't look at Emily and wish that she was here to be a part of her life. At the time I loved her because she was my grandma and because she spoiled me ROTTEN. Now, with the mind of an adult, I not only love her because she was my grandma but because I can see now what a strong minded, strong willed, smart, confident and sassy woman she was. I wonder how much influence she had on me in those young years and how much she made me who i am today. I wish I could know her now. My Aunt Betty (my grandma's sister) just passed away a few months ago. I was fortunate enough to have her meet Emily. "She couldn't wait to get to heaven and see Norma again so that she could tell her all about Emily" I miss my grandma so much that it still hurts to think about. I know I will get to see her again some day and I know that right now she is looking down on me and I KNOW that she would approve. Happy Birthday grandma.

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